Sunday, May 27, 2012

Training for Eastern Egg Rock

My first post graduate job is with the Puffin Project of the National Audubon Society. I will be the Resident Intern on Eastern Egg Rock!
The first week was at "Base" in Bremen, Maine.

The view of Hog Island from base. Beyond Hog Island is Egg Rock

Practicing rowing in the AVON with Mags

I found a painted turtle on the trail to the dock

Practiced my shot at the shooting range, so that if we need to take out a predator, we'll be sure to kill it instead of just injuring it and making it suffer a wound

Monday, May 14, 2012

Whoops I graduated

I graduated! My mom took these photos

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Senior Week in San Diego

During the week of finals in May, Seniors at Pomona College traditionally go to San Diego to party (since professor have to submit our grades before finals take place) and then come back to campus to graduate. My best friends Jasmine, Claire, Annie, Kendra, Chris and I all shared a beachfront home for a week. 
Chris and I in front of the place

Our living room window's view

Though most of my classmates were soaking up sun on the beach, Chris and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit the San Diego Zoo! Some of my favorite photos...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Big Weekend

I had a very big week!

I presented my thesis to the Biology Department on April 27th. Phew!

Chris had a special weekend planned in Temecula, so we headed there after the presentation. We were at a Bed and Breakfast, which was AMAZING, and on the 28th we had a VERY early morning hot air balloon ride!

One of the hot air balloons

We were in a smaller balloon that was just us two and our pilot, and in the middle of the flight, Chris proposed to me! I said yes now give me a kiss

The happy couple at breakfast after engagement

Though I was a little under the weather, we still had a lovely weekend in Temecula's Old Town and at the bed and breakfast

We came back to real life, and in the next few days I finished my written thesis, got it printed and bound, and got my cap and gown. 